The chatbot’s knowledge previously only included data up to September 2021, but not any more.

      1 year ago

      Who needs up to date misinformation when you can create your own misinformation?

      It has happened multiple times, ChatGPT referenced to fake articles that were created by itself

    1 year ago

    And so the downward spiral begins as LLM’s are trained on the output of previous LLM’s.

    It will be bullshit all the way down.

    Of all the Iain M. Banks’ books to end up in I was hoping to avoid the corrupted data chaos of Feersum Endjinn

    1 year ago

    Well, when I have asked ChatGPT about something where I already knew the answer it mostly got the wrong answer. It’s only good for imagining up stuff that has no right answer - “Give me a plot for a modern sitcom with two college age men and a 88 year old woman living in her old farmhouse” type of stuff.

      1 year ago

      Here’s what it came up with. I’d watch that I think.

      Title: “Generational Quirks”

      Plot Summary:
      “Generational Quirks” is a heartwarming and humorous sitcom that explores the unlikely cohabitation of two college-age men and an 88-year-old woman in her charming old farmhouse. The show centers around the delightful clash of generations and the life lessons they learn from each other while navigating the ups and downs of modern life.

      Main Characters:

      Sarah Mitchell (88 years old): A spunky, wise, and fiercely independent grandmother who has lived in the farmhouse her entire life. She's a font of wisdom and humor but struggles to adapt to the rapid changes of the modern world.
      Alex Thompson (early 20s): A college student pursuing a degree in computer science. He's introverted, tech-savvy, and always glued to his devices. He moves into Sarah's farmhouse after a chance meeting, seeking affordable housing.
      James Rodriguez (early 20s): Alex's best friend and roommate, an outgoing and adventurous anthropology major with a penchant for getting into amusing predicaments. He joins Alex in moving to the farmhouse, eager for the experience of rural life.

      Plot Points:

      Unexpected Roommates: Alex and James are desperate for affordable housing and discover Sarah's farmhouse while on the hunt. They move in, initially unaware of Sarah's presence, thinking they have the place to themselves.
      Culture Shock: Alex and James are modern young adults with a preference for technology and fast-paced city life. Sarah, on the other hand, embodies a simpler time, and her farmhouse is like a time capsule from the past. The clash of generations leads to hilarious culture shock moments.
      Life Lessons: Sarah's wisdom, rooted in her rich life experiences, provides valuable life lessons to the young men. She teaches them practical skills like gardening, cooking, and even knitting, and imparts wisdom about love, relationships, and the importance of human connection.
      Adventures and Mishaps: James' adventurous spirit often gets them into humorous predicaments, and Sarah's sage advice helps them navigate these situations. Whether it's dealing with a broken tractor, handling farm animals, or attempting to host a modern-day party, every episode is filled with comical mishaps.
      Unlikely Friendships: Over time, the generational divide begins to blur as Alex, James, and Sarah form a deep and unlikely friendship. They come to understand and appreciate each other's perspectives, making the farmhouse a truly unique and heartwarming home.
      External Challenges: The trio faces challenges from external sources, such as nosy neighbors, zoning issues, and even attempts to buy the farmhouse. Together, they must band together to protect their home and preserve their newfound family.

      “Generational Quirks” combines humor, heart, and the timeless theme of intergenerational relationships, showing that no matter the age, we can all learn from and support each other on life’s journey.

    1 year ago

    It gets me how every single comment is the same three tired old jokes about AI. Between “It’s only good for imagining up stuff that has no right answer”, “And so the downward spiral begins as LLM’s are trained on the output of previous LLM’s.” and "But somehow it still can’t remember what I said one minute ago " we’ve covered every single anti-LLM talking point.

    For one, it looks like the actual training data hasn’t changed, even if the model has changed and it’s been able to access the internet for a while, this is non-news. For another, a lot of people haven’t tried GPT v4 and are just complaining about the free version sucking, well, things you get for free often suck.

    And so the downward spiral begins as LLM’s are trained on the output of previous LLM’s

    I think we can be fairly confident that the people in charge of training the LLMs have heard this too and are probably on top of it.