• Steve@communick.news
    1 year ago

    Yah. My BS counter is clicking quite a lot with this one.

    You can’t force someone into surgery against their will. No hospital or doctor would do that. It would be a major crime. The surgeon, anesthesiologist, who knows how many others, would go to prison! That kind of crime.
    The company may have coerced her, with threats of lawsuits. But that’s very different. And the article completely avoids any mention of exactly how she was forced to go through with it. If that information was included, it would only make the company look worse. I can’t think of why it would be left out, given the narrative they’re creating here.

    There is a lot missing from this story.
    I’d bet she took a some kind of settlement that included payment and a form of NDA.

      • Steve@communick.news
        1 year ago

        No. Force is when there are no threats. The “or else” goes away. There are no other options. It’s only “this is happening”.

        If a toddler is refusing to wear their shoes. Taking away their toys isn’t force. It’s coercion. Force would be, grabbing their leg and putting their shoe on, no matter how much they scream or cry.

        Forcing an adult to do something, is a very extreme action. Reserved exclusively for police, and even they have limits. Even the police can’t force you to have surgery.