WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, Aug. 11, pro-voting groups filed a lawsuit challenging a Michigan statute that makes it a misdemeanor to “hire a motor vehicle” to transport voters to the polls unless they are “physically unable to walk.” According to the lawsuit, which was filed in state court, “no other state has an equivalent prohibition.”
Push a measure to do 100% vote by mail. We’ve had it for 23 years now, it works WONDERS.
Michigan already has universal mail in voting for anyone who wants it without cause.
It’s nice. You sign up to get sent a ballot for every election if you want, and they just send you one for every election you get to vote in.Yup, that’s the way it works here, except there’s no sign up other than registering to vote, and if you have a drivers license or state ID card, you’re automatically registered.
Push for voting by mail being the default
That’s the way it is in my home state and it’s great
@stopthatgirl7 @politics It will be ruled constitutional because that is what is convenient for Republicans, who have seized power.
Both the senate, house and governor’s office are controlled by democrats in Michigan