Add to that the 80% or so of students who never paid attention to a single lesson then 5 years later post to Facebook “wHy DiDnT wE lEaRn ThIs In ScHOol???”
Add to that the 80% or so of students who never paid attention to a single lesson then 5 years later post to Facebook “wHy DiDnT wE lEaRn ThIs In ScHOol???”
That’s pretty dramatic
I learned all of this in highschool, in a public school in Red Texas so, idk how everyone else didn’t get this
Looks tired, low energy
You tried your hardest at the end there to not say “for instance” didn’t you
That’s very generous with the penalty. More likely to get off Scott free
Not really no
Would like to point out that the two are unrelated. This is like saying 5 shot dead in New York, and also body parts found off the coast of Boston.
Volvo sold off their stake in Polestar last year
What a strange grouping of doctors. Veterinarian, orthopedic, AND sports med??
Wait a second. IM J. John Barker Jr. From Livingston Montana!
Y’know that’s still just meta right?
I don’t feel strongly, one way or the other
What a clown. If the FBI or CIA were involved he’d be dead, not removed on the Internet
Okay but this guy is a profiteering clown
People who work with dogs
What’s up with buff fry?
I love her and her crooked teeth