I keep getting errors on FreeTube on Linux.
We used to have free speech and an open internet in the UK. Now I need a VPN to access Lemmy.zip because Labour has turned Britain into an Orwellian Nightmare.
I keep getting errors on FreeTube on Linux.
I’m with you on streaming. I like to OWN things, and nothing beats a 4K Blu Ray for at home viewing.
The DOJ claimed that “copies of Spider-Man: No Way Home were downloaded tens of millions of times, with an estimated loss to the copyright owner of tens of millions of dollars.”
Nope, they didn’t lose anything close to that. Perhaps nothing at all.
The kind of people that torrent movies the vast majority of them never had any intention of paying for it, ever. A small minority may use torrents as a free trial of sorts, to see if the movie is worth them parting with their cash on a Blu Ray.
I do this with games. If a game is £60 or £70 and has no demo or trial available I will torrent it to see if I like it without having to worry about the two hour refund limit. If I do I buy it legally and play it. If not it gets deleted and I haven’t wasted £70 on a game I won’t play.
Studios always claim every download is a lost sale, which simply isn’t true.
Keep proving my point for me. We disagree. Let it go. You don’t have to hammer your point home to those that disagree.
Oh and by the way. In absolutely no way did I even mention black people. I’m not sure why you’re bringing race into the conversation but it’s disgraceful and you should be ashamed.
As I don’t wish to be preached too and as you simply can’t accept differing opinions I’m blocking you now and may also report your racism.
I must thank you for proving my point.
We’ve both made our arguments, I’ve said everyone is free to believe whatever they wish and it’s obvious we will never agree. But you simply can’t accept that people disagree with gender ideology and must try and push your beliefs onto others, in this case, me.
So to finalise this conversation.
I am of the opinion that there are two genders. You are of the opinion that there are more.
We are both entitled to our respective opinions whether you agree with them or not.
I wonder how big the Brazilian market is for Apple? They could just pull out entirely rather than comply.
Sorry but your gender argument is plain false.
There are two biological genders. Male and female. Anything else is a birth defect and it is biologically impossible to change what you are.
Just because a person thinks they aren’t the gender they were born as does not make them some third gender. It is a mental health issue.
Sex and gender are fundamentally the same thing but the definitions have been twisted to suit a specific ideology which has no basis in fact.
You are of course free to believe anything you wish. If a person wants to believe there are 100+ genders then they have that right, But what nobody has the right to do is expect and demand that others fall into line with their ideology and beliefs. And they absolutely do not have the right to start throwing abuse and words like transphobe around simply because beliefs don’t match.
It is the left that starts the abuse.
If I were to say “there are two genders (male and female) and you can not change what you were born as” the red mist descends and because my views don’t align I get called a phobe or ist or a bigot. They simply can’t accept that not everyone shares their ideology.
As for the right starting the abuse just look at the Reform member conference in Cornwall last week.
It wasn’t the right wearing masks to hide their faces and physically trying to stop people entering while threatening and verbally abusing them.
With two-tier Kiers thought police WATCHING from the sidelines.
My ONLY problem with the left is they preach tolerance but are ALWAYS the ones to start the abuse, insults, name calling and threats when they are disagreed with.
On a place light Reddit most subs will just ban you for showing any right leaning opinions. Or any opinion that goes against their narrative. That’s not what tolerance is.
Seriously though, who still uses Reddit? It’s nothing but a left wing echo chamber, just like BlueSky.
Anyone (especially in the UK) that cares about data privacy and security should abandon cloud storage in favor of local encrypted storage.
This may come as a shock but the UK is not in the USA and Trump has nothing to do with this. Our corrupt government is fucking things up in their own way.
Proton is great though.
Ah so violent content is banned unless it’s making Reddit cash. Then it’s fine.
Violent content is against Reddit rules. So why is the content not being removed and the poster banned?
Like I’ve said. The first one was definitely a WAVE. But as that doesn’t suit the anti-right narrative then I’ll let you keep believing you’re right.
No I didn’t. Not being American why would I. Just seen the video online.
Video I’ve seen has been paused just at the right (or wrong) time to suit the narrative. He was waving at the inauguration. I don’t know about another time.
But to my knowledge he hasn’t invaded Poland or started gassing Jews so I think the Nazi label is a tad unfair.
If you’re referring to the flag there are local authorities that will TRY and order you to take down the Union Jack as it can be offensive to some people. Which usually results on more flags being flown.
Is there another country on Earth where the feelings of foreigners is placed above and beyond the national flag?
Likely depends on your VPN. I use Proton and it’s fine.