• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is the problem with spending millions of dollars on games and focusing on profitability over actual quality or expression. Video games are fundamentally an art medium. You can choose to make some uninspired cash grabbing trash, and can even make a whole company built around that and make profit. But are you going to make a great game that way? Probably not.

    You’d be better off with half a dozen people with passion and a comparatively minuscule budget. You might have to scale back from ultra realistic graphics and massive explorable areas with dozens of voice actors, but I don’t really think that makes games any better anyway. A little 2d rpg with really basic pixel graphics can put a big project to shame if it’s made with passion and emotion.

  • The money from energy companies dripping from both sides of this interview is disturbingly clear. My only hope is that where CNN is clearly grilling Harris for the interests of their investors (energy companies), Harris’ evasive responses are there to assuage the concerns of those investors long enough to get into office. She’s talking out of the side of her mouth for someone and probably needs to to get in office. I just hope that at the end of the day she sides with Earth and humanity over evil incarnate. I think she will, but she has to walk a tightrope to get there.

    If I’m wrong I’ll probably be part of a literal chorus of leftists looking to make it extremely clear that she can be a one-term president if she doesn’t find her way to doing the right thing.

  • For the past few years I lived out in the suburbs where buying anything meant either driving around and doing a whole thing or ordering something online and getting it a day or two later. I ordered everything.

    Now I’m back to living downtown in a small city, and I’ve literally used Amazon only once in the past three months, to buy something that isn’t available locally. It’s much nicer.

  • I literally don’t set up my voicemail, and I typically don’t listen to recorded audio that gets messaged to me. Texting is functional and doesn’t leave me some anxiety-provoking message that I have to sit through and digest without saying anything. If a conversation needs to happen in voice, text to say that and see if it’s a good time.

    Wild that people just ring a personal phone number unprompted in 2024 without that being an established routine.

    That said, I also remember when it wasn’t at all weird to show up to someone’s house and knock on their door. Things have really changed.

  • Stopping or stalling development in the second or third tanner stage isn’t uncommon. There’s woefully little study of how different medication combinations affect our bodies, but Powers suggests progesterone (p2) when attempting to continue breast development if you’ve stalled. But you’re doing that.

    It may make sense to ramp up estrogen to a method with more bioavailability. I don’t know what the bioavailability of patches is, but I know that sublingual is more effective than oral, and that intramuscular estradiol valerate has the highest bioavailability. I jumped straight to injections, but I’d probably ramp up from a lower dose and availability if i were starting again, to mimic typical puberty.

    We have informed consent in Massachusetts, so we have a lot of options if you find a cooperative doctor.

    I also use bicalutamide to reduce testosterone rather than more common AAs, because it isn’t a diuretic.

    Obviously you’d have to talk to your doctor, but that’s some of what I gathered in the course of my own transition.

  • I literally mean political manipulation. Fully bad faith attempts to derail the Democratic party via arguments that the person in question doesn’t actually believe. Again, this may not be that, but I think it’s a mistake to pretend that Beehaw is somehow immune to this technique that the right is demonstrably using on other platforms.

    We are in a notably leftist, anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian space with users who clearly speak their minds and bring the conversations had here into bigger spaces. It is ripe for being targeted by bad actors.