• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • I think you should reframe the thinking. All corporations are profit driven, and exploiting a devoted fanbase is very profitable. Innovation, customer service, commitment to quality, these are things that cam build loyalty, but capitalism demands growth. If you run out of ideas or saturate the market, the only way to grow profits is to cut costs. Customer service and commitment to quality might be the last things to go, but they will go eventually.

  • Ok, but let’s not pretend that people didn’t vote for the guy. He should be prosecuted for his crimes, but he won the primary and he won the election. If we don’t like how elections work, we should change that, but acting like he doesn’t represent the will of the people because he took shady money is a retcon. The primary was a RCV that ran through 8 instant runoffs, resulting in every single ballot preference counting, and Eric Adams won by 8,000 votes. If you take his money away, maybe Kathryn Garcia, another moderate centrist, would have won instead.

  • I fully support whatever media outlet wants to boost flawed polls to drive clicks or engagement or whatever bullshit KPIs they use for money. I want Democrats (justifiably) terrified that Trump will win. I want people voting like their lives, their freedoms depend on it, because they do. I want to win the Senate and the House and every Governor’s race because people everywhere showed up to say we’re not going back. I want every attempt at electoral malfeasance to be so obvious that everyone involved is immediately convicted.

    And if a bullshit propaganda poll gets the job done, then we can laugh about how biased and wrong Rasmussen was after the election.