Life is hard enough as it is. I’m tired. I’m exhausted. Give me hope for a better tomorrow that I honestly can’t see. Gimme Star Trek.

That being said, what do you think is the funniest episode of TNG and the scariest episode? I can’t make up my damn mind on what to watch. I’m starting with Schisms because fuck that holodeck clicking scene.

Also after posting this and taking a look at the home screen, I feel like I’m dangerously close to spamming. If I haven’t already. If it becomes a problem please let me know. Gonna back off a bit today.

    1 year ago

    For non-TNG, I really like Bride of Chaotica from Voyager, which has a similar vibe.

    The Ferengi-centric episodes of DS9 are funny, if you’re into that sort of thing.