Deep Dive | Murky Feast | Azure Weald

Stage Primary Secondary Anomaly Warning
1 Escort Duty 2 Eggs - Low Oxygen
2 6 Eggs Black Box - Swarmageddon
3 3 Mini-Mules 150 Morkite - -

Elite Deep Dive | Leaf Lover’s Fang | Crystalline Caverns

Stage Primary Secondary Anomaly Warning
1 250 Morkite 2 Mini-Mules - Shield Disruption
2 4 Eggs Black Box - Cave Leech Cluster
3 200 Morkite 2 Eggs - Lethal Enemies

See last week’s thread here

    1 year ago

    This is the thing i liked most about the subreddit. Glad it is being continued here. Now it just needs to be stickied