As many other threads have popped up about this over the last few days, I thought I’d raise a thread on kbin about this too.

From what I’ve seen, they seem like mainly inflammatory trolls who steadfastly support either Russia or the CCP while adding little of value to actual discussions elsewhere on the site.
Was a vote to federate with them in the first place even had?
What’s everyone’s thoughts?

Nonscientific strawpoll:

    1 year ago

    Yes, please defederate. I have seen enough of their activity through kbin to think this is the only sane option. They are not interested in debating, they are a troll instance or close enough to not matter.

    I’ve already ranted about this today, so I’ll just cross-post:

    When people explicitly participate in bad faith, I frankly don’t get what’s so terrible about showing them the door, or in this case, turning off their megaphone line to other instances. If their behavior is great, terrific, super-acceptable and cool where it comes from - wonderful! It can stay there, and the rest of us can see less childish trolling. Because that is 100% “their thing” at an instance level.

    Whatever excuses, “boo hoo Reddit was so mean to us years ago”, whatever crocodile tears that “it’s not everyone”, whatever “eThIcAl ImPlIcAtIoNs” of blocking or defederating - I don’t give a shit about excuses trolls make, sorry not sorry. Being taken seriously is not a Right, let alone when you obviously just want to dick with people. “Yes, sure, let me get into Serious Debating Position right in front of this boxing glove on a giant spring I just watched you set up.”

    Every discussion about this is not only provoked by their consistently shitty behavior, it also tends to get derailed, trolled and sealioned across instances proving the point immediately. Droves of people are fed up with the whole thing - or would be, if the threadiverse even had “droves” of people left. It is directly and indirectly harming participation: surprise, most people do not want another 4chan, whatever the paintjob.

    Their alleged, tragic, Reddit-discriminated backstory seems a lot less convincing going by their current behavior. Instance gets federated, people immediately start to troll and “dunk” like the brave Internet Warriors that they are, and are not subtle about it. When notified “that’s not really cool here, could you not?” the response is a solid “UP YOURS” because they’re Just That Cool and/or literally “Owning The Libs”. This remind you of anything?

    The threadiverse was something I’d idly mention to friends (at least the more political and leftist ones, because even before this shitshow, it was relentlessly politically shrill as fuck) and hoped I’d eventually get to seriously recommend. Now I just can’t recommend it to anyone: a dying, troll-infested, technologically suspicious mess, circling the drain.