Or all hunted meat. Or all free range meat. Or whatever fumes they’re huffing.

They definitely stop for food when traveling and eat normally murdered meat. They definitely go to restaurants with friends and eat industrially slaughtered meat with friends. They’ll certainly pick up a thousand typically meat items in their grocery cart, like pork rinds, hotdogs, dog food, or whatever.

Maybe they splurge once a week for Trader Joe’s level shit. If they’re rich, they’ll fill their fridge with that shit and do it more often. They’ll post that shit on Instagram like it’s normal.

It’s not fucking their normal, it’s their aspiration. They all eat industrially murdered animals. Fucking all of them, no exceptions. There’s no humane meat.

*If any carnists go “well what about X dude that lives in Y country far the fuck from me” well fuck you that isn’t you, you live in Ohio and drive a Mitsubishi.

  • earthling@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    100% of the people I interact with online pretend to because they think it’s a valid rebuttal.

    NO ONE I know IRL actually gets their meat from those mythical “small, family-owned, ethical farms”.

    • BruceTwarzen@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I live in bycicle distance from two farms like that and a small hunting hut where they sell boar meat. And yet, i still don’t know anyone who only eats from those, because it’s maily super expensive. One of the farmers basically told me that he’s selling expensive meat to buy cheap meat from poland or somewhere. It’s bizarre.