After this “fun” little catastrophe of a thread concerning the use of the word “female”, looking at the comment section, it’s painfully obvious that the majority of Lemmy’s userbase are men. That’s not a generalization, that’s a literal fact.

“It’s just a word!”, “Maybe English isn’t their first language!”, and “Overact much?” seem to be the most common replies.

So let’s do what should have been done in the first place and ask women their opinion:

What do you think of the word “female” being used? Especially in the context of the linked post in question? When is the use of the word appropriate vs. not appropriate?

EDIT: I think the post linked got taken down. Good.

    1 year ago

    All due respect, at least 8 other people in this community also found it humerous. Humor, being subjective, cannot please everyone all the time unfortunately. You may not have found it funny and that’s ok, but it isn’t objectively wrong or some such nonsense.

    I apologize for calling you an incel right back as well, but contrary to your claim it looks like it did help, now we’re even lol, you call me unnecessarily, I call you unnecessarily in return, we both apologize, all’s well. Besides, I used “if then” logic, “if I’m an incel, then you are also one because we actually agree” but by the same coin, “if not, we aren’t.”