No shade to any comrades here in that role. I’m just venting because 1) I hate my job and am officially “quiet quitting,” and 2) I’ve sent out over 120 job applications today and I’m fuckign tired.

  • I have a good project manager and he’s receiving pressure from our VP to become a bad one. “Oh, you give your team autonomy and a sense of ownership over their work? Well, we’re gonna need you to implement more time tracking so we can charge our clients appropriately.”

    They’re just assholes who can’t get over the fact that working from home may allow us to work fewer hours while remaining equally productive.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I built all the tracking stuff at my job. It’s got a really shiny interface and looks super legit for when the owner walks by, but I bullshit all the numbers on the backend so no one looks bad

      (He was gonna implement tracking no matter what, but when I stepped up to build the system it saved him like $1000/month and let us make up our own metrics)