Celebrating 20k fake internet points today, so thought I’d pass on the love. I recently discovered #FollowFriday, and I’d like to submit my personal list of followed folks, over 300 of the most creative and brilliant people I’ve met on the Fediverse.

And a special warm thank you to my two pet trolls, the skinhead @some_guy and the dullest tool in the shed, @cre0. Due to your constant downvote spam and willingness to declare yourselves racist, facist, sexist and transphobic through it, you’ve made sure my comments and posts are at the top of the activity feed on most instances. That must have been a lot of work - a whole two months worth of downvote spam. Thanks for the free publicity guys - I couldn’t have done it without you!

Well, actually, I could have, but watching your impotent rage increase engagement just made it soooo much more fun.