7 million out of 39 million living in poverty don’t have bank accounts. Lol, that’s your proof for your argument. And that’s not including the working poor. Wow, I don’t know what’s scarier- the fact that you think this is proof that the PoOr aRe CoNdItiOned tO noT uSe bAnKs- If OnlY thEy’D oPen Savinzgs AcCoUnts, or that you think that you “got me” with that stat. Fucking 🤡
What I think is scary is that people born into immense privilege, like you, think you understand how the “working man” feels, but I console myself with the knowledge that you’re not very important.
Source- trust me bro!
That’s a pretty cool story you’ve got going on in your head there lol. You’re a fucking 🤡
Thanks for driving my point home about your memes-based-worldview.
But if you want a source, because you can’t Google basic facts, then sure
7 million out of 39 million living in poverty don’t have bank accounts. Lol, that’s your proof for your argument. And that’s not including the working poor. Wow, I don’t know what’s scarier- the fact that you think this is proof that the PoOr aRe CoNdItiOned tO noT uSe bAnKs- If OnlY thEy’D oPen Savinzgs AcCoUnts, or that you think that you “got me” with that stat. Fucking 🤡
What I think is scary is that people born into immense privilege, like you, think you understand how the “working man” feels, but I console myself with the knowledge that you’re not very important.
Lol, go console yourself you fucking removed
I guess if you push a useless mouth too far they have nothing left to do but punch down.
Yes. What a great victory for you. Go console yourself some more 😅