President Biden said he won’t expand the Supreme Court because doing so would “politicize” the court in an unhealthy way. But it’s a political institution by its nature — and a disturbingly undemocratic one.

    1 year ago

    All these “vote blue no matter who” boat shoe lickers

    You’re the bootlicker. Just help Republicans even more. It was people like you who gave Trump 3 Supreme Court justices and now you blame democrats for it instead of giving them the solid majorities to fix anything.

      1 year ago

      Ah yes, it was us the unmotivated and uncaring general public who gave Republicans every victory and are responsible for a branch of government we have absolutely no say in determining, nominating or appointing outside of our ability to “vote blue.” Beyond the vanity of RGB not wanting to step down or clearly recognizing disturbing precedents after Bush Vs Gore, it falls on the back of the voter to do more and accept less. Sure, leadership completely slept and let Republicans gerrymander half the country so bad that we lose even when we show up in greater numbers at every election. But please, won’t you think of all the people we’ve failed to help while we were in office and keep electing us so that we at some point we may help them?

      You post a list of all these people and things that establishment Dems have failed to protect for the last 30 years and say that’s the reason they need your vote no matter what? That pretty gross. The entirety of my point is that message needs to be prefaced, exactly by people like you, with calls for accountability and higher standards in who we are voting in to office. If these politicians are such masters of the craft then why the hell are they so good at fundraising and so bad at winning these battles. The old guard has failed us. Stop making such a spectacle of tongue tickling their footware and attempting to convince others that it’s virtuous.

      If you want to make a difference, then why don’t you take my suggestion and start pushing for candidates who will go beyond their performative grandstanding and actually start fighting back against these things. Speaking out for promissory blocks or attempting to better the pool of candidates by demanding more isn’t going to change the taste of the blooker all that much. The people that we’re trying to stop need a higher caliber of opponent if we’re going to succeed.

      Also, Hillary lost because she was an uninspired candidate who didn’t really try and arrogantly thought it was in the bag. It was literally her election to lose and she did. Get over it.

        1 year ago

        Ah yes, it was us the unmotivated and uncaring general public who gave Republicans every victory and are responsible for a branch of government we have absolutely no say in determining, nominating or appointing outside of our ability to “vote blue.”

        Yes, that’s exactly right. You gave Republicans power, now give democrats even more power to fix it.

        Also, Hillary lost because she was an uninspired candidate who didn’t really try and arrogantly thought it was in the bag.

        Translation: “I wanted another candidate waaaaaahhh”

        That’s a weird way of saying “Hillary Clinton was the candidate who won over the democratic voters in the primary”. The democratic voters chose her, nobody else. If you didn’t like her or her way of impressing voters (“inspiring candidate”), you maybe should have run as a better candidate and convinced the democratic voters yourself.

        You might want to read up on this stuff called “elections” and how this “democracy” works. Spoiler: It’s not what just you want.

          1 year ago

          Again, the election was hers to lose and she did just that. You are the one who’s still pulling your hair out and blaming the entirety of the American public for not voting for her. Trump was like her hand picked candidate to run against and she whiffed to an illiterate serial rapist who used the word “big” 3 times per sentence.
          Get a grip. The last person who used the “I kNow yOu arE But whaT Am I?” defense was Paul Ruebens and you don’t have the gas nor the shoes to pull off that bar top dance. Truly astonishing to talk to you through this time portal all the way back in 2016. Move on with your life.

            1 year ago

            Didn’t vote for Clinton, gives Republicans 3 more Supreme Court justices, then blames democrats when they get overturned.

            Yep, found the Trump supporter. You’re no leftist at all, you’re just LARPing.