I saw various articles saying you should get new shoes every 300-500ish miles, but I’m skeptical if they just want you to spend more money by saying that. Do you follow this advice, or do you put more miles on your shoes than this? Do you think 1000 miles on a pair of shoes would be too much?

Edit: Thanks for the feedback everyone. I’ve probably run a few shoes close to 1000 miles without injury, but perhaps I should be more careful as I age.

  • Turbo@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Your feet should be able to tell unless you are under say… 25-30 and or under 165lbs…

    I have friends that are in their late 30s and 200-220lbs and they need extra cushy shoes like Hokas …and after about 200km they are not doing their job anymore. Time for new shoes.

    I suppose it also depends how far you run each time and if you’re a heel or toe striker

    Be good to your feet (knees, hips) Your future self will thank you