This is just another level of historic literacy. It’s the same as if we judged the Holy Roman Empire based on war crimes of Germany during WWI and WWII.

America was not a preferable option to surrender to by that logic, because of American war crimes in the Middle East in 21st century.

  • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Bucha was definitely perpetrated by the Ukrainians, specifically the neonazi paramilitary battalions “Tornado” and “Safari” - seriously, “Safari battalion” what-the-hell

    Many of the bodies in the streets were clearly from Ukrainian mortar impacts, as on satellite photos they appear at the same time as mortar craters while the Russians were still holding the town (the media’s only explanation for this is that Russia shelled their own positions because their asiatic brainpan makes them self-destructively evil). The photos of people who were executed show them with white armbands, which the Russians used to denote friendlies, and even with Russian ration packs. Why would the Russian armed forces, at the very edge of a perilously extended advance with incredibly stretched supply lines, give away rations probably worth their weight in gold to people they were then going to kill, and then leave behind the rations? Conversely, to Ukrainian fascists, receiving aid from the enemy obviously makes you a traitor - a position made law by the Kiev regime just a few months later - and for a fascist that means summary execution. There was even a short video from the time, where one soldier clearly asks “can I shoot the ones without blue armbands?” (Ukraine uses blue for friendlies) and someone else just says “yes”.

    I expect the same killings by the Ukrainians took place in every town the Russians vacated, but it was definitely a concerted intelligence and media effort to specifically pick out the one town whose name in English looks and sounds like the word “Butcher” (this particularly stinks of MI6). The UK even refused Russia’s request for a UN security council meeting about it.