Iran’s clerics in the holy city of Qom are exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in issuing religious edicts, believing it can strengthen the country’s Islamic character. While they acknowledge that robots can’t replace senior clerics, they see AI as a trusted assistant that can expedite the process of issuing a fatwa. This move towards technology is viewed as a way for Iran to balance tradition with modernization, especially in the wake of calls for modernization after last year’s protests. The push for AI in the clerical field is still in its early stages, with several projects underway. The country’s religious establishment, including Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has shown support for exploring AI’s potential. Despite this, many senior clerics are expected to maintain a more traditional approach to religious study, while younger clergy may be more open to technological advances. The use of AI is seen as a way to address public concerns and make rulings in an increasingly complex society. Additionally, it’s emphasized that AI adoption doesn’t necessarily mean aligning with Western secular views, but rather, it’s about localizing technology to fit cultural values. Overall, the integration of AI is viewed as a means to balance tradition with the rapid pace of technological advancement.

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