Title, how much longer will I have to wait until I can buy a body for an AI GF?
To me, they would just have to be a bit better than our current ‘best’ ai, capable of remembering past conversations forever, and able to draw upon past interactions it had between each other to continually evolve its personality.
The Body can either be a full on robot-with little to no human characteristics to avoid the uncanny valley or near perfect human-like to pass the uncanny valley.
There are open source ai’s already available for self hosting but atm they’re much less powerful than things like GPT-4, but yeah I agree, and I hope open source ai catches up to or surpasses private ai eventually, however with the insane amount of funding going into private ventures right now I’m guessing they’ll be ahead for the foreseeable future.
Agreed… still long way to go for personalized ai then…
Well, you definitely can get ‘personalized’ ai that’s open source atm, its just that it wont be very convincingly human and they usually cant disagree with you on topics. ExLLama is probably the best you can get right now that’s not censored.