• Buchenstr@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    blah blah blah is that what you people all say? It’s becoming a really tiring ad hominem. Never any western country’s fault, always some mystic eastern forces which seem to pollute the pure white countries.

    1. Deflect the conversation to russian propaganda, since they’ll use this as evidence for de-Nazification; good for them I guess, maybe the west shouldn’t hold ovation ceremonies for war criminals?
    2. They only shown an individual who was ‘affiliated’ with the nazis;

    1. WhatabouttherussiangenocideinUKRAINE!!!; UN doesn’t recognize a genocide, but they sure did convict war criminals belonging to the SS-galician division “At this stage, we still have not come to the conclusion that a genocide is taking place,” the head of the commission, Eric Möse, told reporters at a press conference.

    2. "Russian Supporters (the liberal party of Canada?) fooled Zelensky and Trudeau by bringing in a SS-waffen veteran!; wow they must be really stupid then, maybe they shouldn’t be heads of states? Doesn’t explain why they met behind closed doors for some ‘talks’

    Also looks like poland is pissed, I wonder how will ukraine react?🤔

    Anyways, time and time again russia ‘propaganda’ about nazism in ukraine always proves to be right. Why on earth should I believe the muck which the west’s pump nowadays? They were wrong about russian munitions, they were wrong about NATO personal involvement in ukraine, they were wrong about the ukranian offensive, they were wrong about wagner etc. So no genocide in ukraine, western media is incompetent, or lying, or both, and Nazis seem to popping up everywhere in ukranian photos, and now they recently gave a ceremony to one. So go ahead, explain why I should be believe a PM who just praised a waffen-SS veteran about combating russian propaganda?