A user on tildes describes how to go scorched earth for mods:
Turn off all spam filtering
Disable minimum karma requirements
Allow all posts, disable all rules
Unban all banned users
Purge all allowed submitters
Turn off AutoModerator, Scrub all configs
Delete all CSS and uploaded images/maps
Blank all sidebars, Delete all flairs
Allow NSFW content, Enable sub’s content on /all
Set the sub’s color scheme on mobile to something vomit-inducing
Blank all of the text options such as the sub’s topic listing
Grab a copy of anything in the wikis worth saving
Disable and permanently remove all third party mod tools and bots
Invite all users to the moderation team with full comment/submission privs
GDPR request for their own account data and then
Use it to delete their accounts and all of their content
The options in bold, they have no defense for. That’s where the pressure points lie. The rest they can cope with, but not those options, not if lots of subs and users go that route.
Might want to avoid turning the sub NSFW, reddit admins claimed that as the criteria they are watching for to remove mods. They say they are taking action to prevent porn being spammed.
I mean most of these actions would probably end with the mod getting removed, but yeah the current target is NSFW, as that directly affects reddit’s ability to serve ads.
A user on tildes describes how to go scorched earth for mods:
Might want to avoid turning the sub NSFW, reddit admins claimed that as the criteria they are watching for to remove mods. They say they are taking action to prevent porn being spammed.
I mean most of these actions would probably end with the mod getting removed, but yeah the current target is NSFW, as that directly affects reddit’s ability to serve ads.