iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F::Widespread reports are circulating about the iPhone 15 overheating, seemingly across all models. Measurements taken with an infrared camera show…

  • danielfgom@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This is a massive problem. It’s not ok for a device which millions of people use to get so hot. This could cause a fire given the right conditions.

    I hope this gets reported on the mainstream news so people realise Apple isn’t so great after all.

    This is by far not the first time they’ve had hardware issues with their products. I think hardware is their Achilles heel.

    Not that I feel sorry for them considering how much they fleece customers on the prices for the devices, repairs, accessories, the amount of times they tell you to get a whole new Mac when all it needs is 1 part etc.