The United Farm Workers on Tuesday announced its endorsement of President Joe Biden for reelection, saying that the Democrat has proven throughout his life to be an “authentic champion” for workers and their families, regardless of race or national origin.

The farm workers’ union was co-founded by Cesar Chavez, the late grandfather of Julie Chavez Rodriguez, who Biden named as his 2024 campaign manager. Her father, Arturo Rodriquez, is a past UFW president.

Julie Rodriguez and “special guests” were expected to formally announce the endorsement later Tuesday at Muranaka Farms in the city of Moorpark in southern California.

    1 year ago

    If amazing job means calling senators who voted against your policy platform “my dear friends”, then okay I guess…… he did an amazing job at capitulating without putting up an ounce of fight. He didn’t call out anyone.

    He didn’t actually want the policies he claimed to stand for. He lied to us. He is a corporate neoliberal. He wouldn’t be a democrat if the republicans weren’t actually racist fascist sons of removed. But they all take legal bribes….