No, not what I’ve said what others say makes you awesome (though if they’re supporting arguments, that’s fine).

What do you say makes you awesome?

For me, I’m highly creative and imaginative. I’m unusually playful for an adult and refuse to grow up. Life’s too short. I use humor to rise about any obstacle or any situation.

What about you? Let’s brag about ourselves!

    1 year ago

    I’m handsome, intelligent, and have a way with the written word. I’m introspective, and good at critically examining situations. I have a strong sense of duty and obligation, which is virtuous.

    1 year ago

    I went decades without realizing I was unusual for this talent, but it has saved me an astronomical amount of money. It’s also cost me a lot of money, but whatever.

    I am mechanically inclined to the point where it’s probably a mental illness in and of itself. I took all my toys apart as a kid, and put them together correctly, all the time. I was fixing and selling broken lawnmowers when I was ten.

    I can figure out pretty much any piece of machinery, whether it is broken, whether parts are missing, no matter if I’ve never seen it before, no matter if that machine does something I didn’t know was possible. I once overdid it on the marijuana edibles, and rebuilt a motorcycle engine while I was completely, helplessly stoned. I’ve made things work again when I was so drunk I couldn’t stand. I just thought this was normal, my whole family does it. I was almost 30 before anyone sat me down and pointed out that not everyone can just do that. My wife’s family thinks I’m some sort of Wizard because there has been too many times that they have had something broken and expensive, and I managed to fix it for a few dollars.

    It’s even worse. I have a beautiful 9 year old daughter. Just her living in the same house as I, hanging out with me, and soaking up my madness through osmosis, has warped her permanently. She just assumes that if something is broken, the first step is to see if it can be fixed. She comments when we are following cars that ate running too rich. She not only points out motorcycles, she tells me how many cylinders they have.

    1 year ago

    I’m very empathic, although that’s sometimes a double-edged sword. I also teach computers how to do new things (which is just my way of saying “I’m a programmer/software developer”).

    I’m told that I look pretty decent, though I don’t know if I’d ever be able to believe that myself most of the time.

    Then finally, I’m a pretty logic-first sort of thinker (another double-edged sword at times), though this comes at the cost at me not really being all that creative/imaginative, which I do wish I was better at.