
There have been a lot of posts and comments recently about Facebook entering the fediverse, and how different instances will handle it. Many people have asked me to commit to pre-emptively defederating from Threads before they even implement ActivityPub.

The federation policy states that it’s not a goal for to curate content for our users, but we will certainly defederate any server which aims to systematically break our rules. I want to point out here that Facebook makes essentially all of its money from advertising, and has a no advertising rule - basically, Facebook has a built-in financial incentive to break our rules. ActivityPub has no protections against advertising, so it’s likely we will end up having to eventually defederate from Threads just for this reason alone.

However, I would still like to get a feel for how many people in our instance are actually excited for potential federation with Threads. While personally I feel that any theoretical pros are by far outweighed by cons, I do want to use this opportunity to see how much of the community disagrees with me. I am not intending to run this instance as a democracy (sorry if anybody is disappointed by that), but I would still like to have a clear picture of user feedback for potentially major decisions such as this one. This is why I am asking every user who wants to federate with Facebook to please downvote this post.

Here are some reasons why I personally believe that Threads will have a negative effect on the fediverse

  • As mentioned above, Facebook is completely driven by ad revenue. There is nothing stopping them from sending out ads as posts/comments with artificially inflated scores, which would ensure that their ads end up on the “all” page of federated servers.
  • Threads already has more users than all Lemmy instances combined. Even if their algorithms don’t apply to the rest of the fediverse directly, they can still completely dictate what the “all” page will look like for all instances by simply controlling what their own users see and vote on.
  • Moderation does not seem to be a priority for Threads so far, meaning that they would create massive moderation workloads for smaller instances.
  • In general, Facebook has shown countless times that they don’t have their users best interests in mind. They view users as something to exploit for revenue. There are probably ways they are already thinking about hurting the fediverse that we can’t even imagine yet.

By the way, we’re not really in any rush today with our decision regarding federation

  • Threads does not have ActivityPub support yet today
  • Even if they add ActivityPub support, their UX is geared towards Mastodon-like usage - it seems unlikely that there would ever be proper interoperability between Threads and Lemmy
  • We don’t really know what to defederate from - it’s completely possible that “” will not be their ActivityPub domain at all.

So go ahead and downvote if you feel defederation would be a mistake, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! It would be super helpful to me if folks who are in favor of federating with Threads could leave a comment explaining their reasoning.


By now, it’s clear that there is a group of users who are in favor of federating with Threads. The breakdown is like this (based on downvotes):

  • users: 136 in favor of federating with Threads
  • Others: 288 in favor of federating with Threads

While it seems to be a minority, it’s still quite a few users. There is no way to please all users in this situation - any decision I make will certainly inconvenience some of you, and I apologize for that.

A big thanks to everybody who has shared opinions and arguments in comments so far. I think there are several well written comments that have been unfairly downvoted, but I have personally read all comments and tried to respond to several as well. I will keep reading them as they come in.

The main facts I am working with right now are as follows:

  • The majority of users are strongly opposed to immediately federating with Threads
  • Facebook has a proven track record of exploiting users (and a built-in financial incentive to do so)
  • We currently lack proper federation/moderation tools to allow us to properly handle rule breaking content from Facebook

Considering all of the above, I believe the initial approach for should be to defederate Threads, and then monitor the situation for a period of time to determine if federating with them in the future is a realistic option

In order to federate with them, the following conditions would need to be fulfilled:

  • There needs to be actual interoperability between Threads and Lemmy
  • Threads needs to prove that they are not flooding instances with rule-breaking content (mainly ads and bigotry for
  • There needs to be a mechanism to prevent feed manipulation by Threads algorithms (potentially this means discarding all incoming votes from Threads)

Note: this is an initial list, subject to change as we learn more about Threads.

Again, I realize this approach won’t please everybody, but I really believe it’s the best approach on a whole for now. Please feel free to keep adding comments and keep the discussion going if you think there is something I have not considered.

    1 year ago

    If Meta is in the same sphere as Lemmy then you’d have Lemmy people interacting. Those on Meta would then go “Huh, Lemmy?” and look into it. It’s essentially free passive advertising by any Lemmy user.

    Yall seem to be purposefully ignoring reality to throw a tantrum over something that hasn’t even happened yet. The fact you’re all immediately screaming to block them before anything has happened is pathetically isolationist. That behavior will eventually carry over to how new users are treated and Lemmy will rot like Voat did.

    Edit: Too many of you are taking your reddit garbage over here. This isn’t the same site. But nah, you’re just gonna instantly downvote anything you disagree with while not engaging remotely because you can’t offer up a convincing argument. Especially when the question answered.

    You lot are short sighted and small minded children, lashing out like a petulant teenager who didn’t get the right color car for their birthday. You scream about something that doesn’t happen and overreact preemptively.


      1 year ago

      The only person I’m seeing throwing a fit in this thread is you. People aren’t downvoting you because you disagree with them, they’re downvoting you because you are the petulant child.

          1 year ago

          Cool, thanks for showing me you’re a dick so I can block you and never have to deal with your whining again 👍

      1 year ago

      Those on Meta would then go “Huh, Lemmy?” and look into it. It’s essentially free passive advertising by any Lemmy user.

      Lemmy is growing to the point where, for more than a week, a lot of adjustments had to be made to various instances to handle the scale.

      I’m not against it growing more by any means, but I think it’s worth recognizing that, as Meta enters the Fediverse, it’s not going to stop with Threads. Eventually it will likely find better ways to interact with Lemmy, Matrix, etc.

      A common theme at the moment is that we have communities sharing a same content category, but each community is spread throughout different instances. An example is the different general programming communities.

      It’s possible - perhaps even likely - that, eventually, most of the communities for a given category will fade out, and people will naturally converge toward one instance for a given category.

      There is the chance that Meta becomes an instance for many of these. What happens from there is that Meta has ownership over these communities.

      Yall seem to be purposefully ignoring reality to throw a tantrum over something that hasn’t even happened yet. The fact you’re all immediately screaming to block them before anything has happened is pathetically isolationist. That behavior will eventually carry over to how new users are treated and Lemmy will rot like Voat did.

      Your mention of Voat is the first I’ve ever heard of it.

      Anyway, not all of us are “screaming”. Personally, I’m bordering on indifference - I don’t have much control over it.

      That said, assuming people actually want freedom from corporate ownership, I haven’t seen an argument that makes a valid case for federating with Meta.

      Federation with Meta is not necessarily mutually exclusive with this, but it’s thin ice. And history has shown time and time again with the Internet that this is the case.

      Of course, there are some good things that come from that kind of integration - irrespective of user adoption; it’s not all bad.

      Edit: Too many of you are taking your reddit garbage over here. This isn’t the same site. But nah, you’re just gonna instantly downvote anything you disagree with while not engaging remotely because you can’t offer up a convincing argument. Especially when the question answered.

      I’m not downvoting you, but it’s clear you’re frustrated. I’m not a huge fan of Reddit’s group think, either, so I understand.

        1 year ago

        Thank you for providing a rational comment that addresses the issue at hand and voices it in a clear and concise way. There are certain things you said I hadn’t considered and I will be doing that soon. I’ll be dumpster diving for food soon as I haven’t eaten in a few days. That low blood sugar might explain the heightened frustration I had in that edit.

        Also Voat was a reddit alternative that was initially floated during the Ellen Pao era of reddit. Reddit was already stifling a lot of “free speech” (not sure the best way to phrase that, thus quotes) so people wanted to leave. They went to Voat. The issue was that while reddit had started to go very heavy handed with certain areas of moderation, Voat went the dead opposite and did essentially none. It went from openly accepting of people to slowly more tribal and isolationist until it turned into a hyper right wing, Nazi hugging, uber fascist hell hole of a website. It died a year or two ago due to not having any money to run the site.

        Either way, I appreciate it greatly and I am sorry.

      1 year ago

      I think you’re being downvoted more because of your attitude than your points, to be honest. Which isn’t necessarily Reddit bullshit, and just seems like a normal reaction.

      That being said, I think a community doesn’t necessarily need to strive for eternal growth and mainstream appeal. Lemmy and the Fediverse isn’t exactly mainstream-friendly to begin with, with how confusing the whole federation concept can be to new users, and how unstable it is by nature (an instance can collapse on a whim, taking down all of its users with it).

      The real question I have would be: what should be more important to these communities, keeping up growth as a priority, or focusing on the type of space that is being built instead? In a way, opening the door to Meta and other large corporate instances does have the potential to change the nature of this community, and will inevitably lead to a massive influx of users. But maybe that’s not necessarily what the community wants or needs right now.

      I don’t believe in alienating Meta simply because “corporate bad”, but perhaps growth shouldn’t be a non-commercial venture’s end-all be-all. That need for eternal growth is exactly what has made plenty of social networks become hellholes devoid of any personality. Meanwhile, I’ve seen many Internet forums that never strived for mainstream appeal, and instead kept a moderately-sized and engaged userbase. It wasn’t hermetic enough to alienate new users, but also it wasn’t large enough to deplete all sense of community and civility.

      I think my main issue with a potential federation with Meta isn’t that they’ll approach our communities from an exploitative perspective (like you said, they can do that anyway), but rather that most of the communities will crumble under the pressure of the massive scale of a Mainstream network. None is ready for moderating the potential huge influx of users. A lot of servers aren’t ready to handle that level of activity.

      I think this is a lose-lose situation, though. Federate, and the entire ecosystem is at risk of collapsing, but defederate, and the entire ecosystem is at risk of falling to irrelevancy. Right now the existing communities should be focused on becoming their own thing and having their own attractive that can survive without depending on mainstream appeal. Mainly because most of them probably wouldn’t even be able to handle mainstream appeal.

      1 year ago

      Meta has no reason to interact with the Fediverse but personal gain. Maybe that can overlap with our goals of free speech and information someday, but defending a company right now and marketing for them, as if we need them as passive marketing, when they’re literally pushing everything that is wrong with social media and privacy rights, is beyond me.

        1 year ago

        God this take makes no fucking sense.

        Do you REALLY believe that Meta is coming to Lemmy for more users? That the people who came to this site fleeing reddit are going to willingly run back to a massive corporation?

        Why do fucking none of you see the fact that we gain from this MORE than Meta does? They get to engage with Lemmy and the rest of the verse, sure, but now Lemmy gets access to an ENORMOUS audience. One that also now understands the verse and will be able to switch to Lemmy way easier than when Lemmy and Mastadon are the only primary users.

        I swear to God, not a single one of you has actually thought this through. You start screaming that somehow Meta is gonna steal Lemmy users, when that makes about as much sense as Zuck needing to borrow $10 from you. You start screaming about how Lemmy needs to stand on its own, but also how it needs to grow, and then proceed to shoot the watering can in the fucking face.

        This is an embarrassment. It reminds me of every time that people on reddit collectively came together and made the dumbest decisions possible because of group think and emotional reaction. You probably cheered for Pao getting fired too.

        Jesus Christ. “Has no reason.” It does. You just haven’t been receptive to a single one of them or, worse yet, didn’t even consider it.