Today I made crêpes for breakfast like I usually do…

And I tried some smooth peanut butter inside one of them. It doesn’t taste horrible, but after a bit of eating it, I felt like I was in the 3rd circle of hell.

I asked my mother and my grandma for an opinion, and they too agreed.

Why do Americans torture themselves like this?

    1 年前

    Well either that was bad peanut butter, but it’s more likely crepes aren’t good with peanut butter. The heat of the crepes might turn the peanut butter into oily glue, or in some cases gross clotted gorp. I used to try to put peanut butter on pancakes and it always turned out terrible (and I love peanut butter)

    Peanut butter is much better with something that’s a contrast like toast, crackers, crunchy veg - or blended into something like cookies, desserts, hot cereal, etc.