So, over the years I learnt what I needed to be ready to solve a flat on the go.

Back then I wasn’t aware of the pre-made kits (or maybe they weren’t even around), so I made mine.

  • One glove for the really dirty patrts. I use it also when the chain falls

  • one tube because I don’t want to deal with patches and glue while in a hurry

  • flat wrench since I don’t have quick realase on my wheels

  • a small pump

  • the (usual) 3 plastic tools to remove the tire

This is how I wrap it up to keep i compact:

the kit wrapped up in a cloth pack

What do you use? Do you carry a kit at all?

    1 year ago

    I don’t commute with my bike, but I use it for everything.

    While I’d like to improve on this kit, both my bikes have the following (near identical) kits:

    • Manual pump with a PSI indicator built-in. When I bring my trunk bag, I’ll keep a small electric pump, which is soooooo much better than the manual pumps.
    • Tire patch kit.
    • 1 x spare tube.
    • Bike multitool (a shitty one… I’m looking at replacing these).
    • A few pairs of nitrile gloves.

    I’ll also keep a small first aid kit with me (either in my trunk bag or my handlebar bag).

    In my trunk bag, I’ll also keep a few spare snacks, a sachet of electrolyte powder, a proper multitool (with pliers, knife, etc.), and stuff to keep sanitary if I’m on a longer ride (spare toilet paper, hand wipes, sunscreen, etc.).

    But I also have CAA’s roadside bike assistance, which could really help me out if I’m truly stuck. I could forgo the kit that I keep, but for convenience, and to help others, I don’t mind the extra 1-2 lbs.