• Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Musk is only “important” because we allow a society where individuals can amass vast amounts of Capital and rent-seek. He is a beneficiary of an apartheid emerald mine, that’s why he’s special, born with a silver spoon.

    Workers struggle to chip in because Capitalist states are designed to be as comfortable to Capitalists as possible, as Capitalists have outsized influence. Worker co-operatives, ie Socialist businesses, have higher rates of stability and employee satisfaction, but are difficult to start as there isn’t developed infrastructure for that.

    Capitalists aren’t a group of evil people that are powerful because they are evil, that’s a child’s view of Marxism. Capitalists are a class, that share similar class interests and as such can act in a way that protects their own interests without individually collaborating. Capitalists themselves are unnecessary, unless you happen to think that Worker Co-operatives don’t exist.

    Communists and Socialists cannot control corporations, that’s an absurd idea. The closest would be Unionization, which I support heavily and donate to strike funds when I can. The idea that workers can simply lobby for better policy though is an extremely naive view of how the electoral process works. Perhaps on a local level, yes, but when you have to combat the media’s smear campaigns and work against the overwhelming forces of Capital, it’s much more effective to gain grassroots progress.

    Also, it’s cringe as fuck to call this “degeneracy,” it reeks of major neckbeard energy.

      • Cowbee [he/him]@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Not at all, Marxism is progressive, not regressive. Just like we got rid of kings, Capitalists too will eventually give way to democratic control of industry.

        Also kinda sad that you seemed to ignore every other part of my takedown of what you said and focused on me calling out your unironic usage of the word “degeneracy,” I spent at least a few minutes writing that comment out for you to be as easy to follow as possible. Oh well.