I’ve been thinking about having a dedicated thread for people to post about what their latest RPG experience was. If you want to go into detail, or just gush about favorite moments, or any fun/ny stuff you got to do or witness.
As for myself (It technically was yesterday since sessions leave me exhausted and I always pass out afterwards):
I had my first Session 0 as a GM, running the game Friendship, Effort, Victory!, an RPG inspired by battle shonens. My ongoing title is “Super Battle School Let’s Go!!” which takes place in a world where hot-blooded, intense confrontation is the answer to a lot of problems; there are no world ending threats, but just going to a date or asking for a raise will end up in a flurry of abilities and skills being used.
The PCs are enrolled at Dukes Up Academy, a high school setting where they’ll learn the basic skills necessary for survival, and all the advanced skills necessary for a fierce showdown.
My players gave me a LOT of material and I’m aching to organize all this and come up with some good, firey situations for them to deal with! :)
So how about you? What have you played this week?
As if I actually get a chance to play RPGs :`)