I always wonder why matrix.org uses google captcha.
Because i blocked entire google connections, it won’t even display the challege at all.
There are more private alternatives for google captcha exists.
I always wonder why matrix.org uses google captcha.
Because i blocked entire google connections, it won’t even display the challege at all.
There are more private alternatives for google captcha exists.
Everything other is just aren’t allowing anymore users and don’t have wide range of communities. Also they are very slow.
This list (which I run) checks whether listed servers are open or not. As for communities, they are not dependent on homeservers (minus the abusive ones), you can find rooms to join through https://matrixrooms.info and join them with your account on any reasonable homeserver. As for slowness, refer to the physical locations of each server; additionally see User Guide (in header) for a list of the most used servers. However, do keep in mind that resources and experience of each server differs.