Okay, this is like a tech support kinda question but idk where the hell to ask it so I am gunna ask it here. My old keyboard died a couple of days ago. Just gave up the ghost, and I cursed the gods and got out my bluetooth keyboard. I had been using my lappy exclusively (so not using an external keyboard) but hooked it up to my monitor and started jamming away on the bigger screen. It’s further away from my face, so I sometimes miss typos (or just can’t spell and fk auto-correct). But I have also been noticing letters flipping from time to time at random. Just having a blast. I’ve got a real stream of conciousness way of thinking/typing/talking/existing - yada, yada! So I am not catching this stuff until later and tsk, tsking and going back and fixing it. Now I am wondering if I am experiencing rampant levels of dyslexia or if others know about some weird latancy issues with bluetooth keyboards where someone could type faster than the output so stuff gets jumbled? Cause idk, but like…hell idk. Doesn’t hurt to ask?

So yeah, anyone know about this. Either way, not crying over it. Cause what am I gunna do? Keyboard does what it needs to…so yeah. Just find it weird, but maybe also I am typing WHOLE FREAKIN’ NOVELS for every comment so shit gets messed up more. Eh.

  • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 months ago

    I’ve got some IT background and am now higher up the ranks handling servers, automation, and back end stuff. My boss and most of my team refuse to use the bluetooth keyboards and mice in our company’s conference rooms because of how trash they are, and the hands on IT team response to bluetooth keyboards being weird is to replace the batteries, and if that doesn’t fix it, replace with a wired keyboard.

    If you’re looking for wireless, Logitech wireless keyboards and mice that come with a Logitech USB dongle seem to be decent. They use some different standard for the wireless instead of bluetooth that seems to be more reliable.

    Don’t underestimate the effect of not being able to see text you’re typing clearly though. Most people seem to do quite a bit of almost unconcious error correction when typing, based on looking at what is on the screen.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      2 months ago

      Nah, actually I am right there with your whole team. I like wired more on account of it holding up for way longer and not having to be bothered with. I’m gunna have the missus take a look, but I didn’t see anything wrong with the thing as a whole. I just left it sitting around for a little cause I wasn’t feeling the best and didn’t want to use anything but my lappy. I have been going back and forth on the text thing. Because I am a mad extremist and can’t seem to help it. I used to use old-lady text size for everything. Was just blowing up my screen. It was an easy read, but it lowered reading speed. Which kinda altered my comprehension in a way, because you’re taking in information super slowly. And my brain isn’t the greatest at keeping the pieces held together. I just loaded up Fedora a couple of weeks ago from Endeavor which I adored as a whole but was crashing at random times and was driving me up a wall. I kept all the fonts at base level to see if I could cope. Cause like I said, I wanted to be able to read faster. But I think I’ve just got to give in and boost it. Even if it’s a little.

      Thanks for the response by the by, was a fun one =)

      p.s. - I have the bluetooth dongle to go out and write little short stories based off of micro-prompts. So in that sense, it just has to fit in a bag, connect, stay charged, and be somewhat capable at not having me write cor/ or corb when I wanna write corn. It’s crazy how they squish up these keyboards and make them unusable. I was looking for a super micro one to type out some stuff in bed and can’t find a non-squished handheld qwerty. So if you know one that hasn’t terribly butchered the bottom row I’d be down for a suggestion =)!

      • dubyakay@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        FYI wireless BLE keyboards, when implemented properly, will last months on a single charge. Unlike mice, they consume very little power, since they don’t scan the surface beneath them 1000-8000 times per second.

        Logitech and similar models that come with a dongle use some fashion of 2.4Ghz Band RF, which may use more power, and the battery will not last as long.

        • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
          1 month ago

          Thank you dub, which btw DUBYA! Hahaha! Aww man, I love linguistics. Freakin’ A! You say warsh too? Ah! It’s like being swaddled mentally =)! I never thought about the mechanics behind the two but it is some fun brain fodder. And it makes sense, the second you pause and give it a think. Thanks again =)

  • safesyrup@lemmy.hogru.ch
    2 months ago

    I have a mechanical keyboard that also has a bluetooth mode. I tried it once and it‘s utter trash, i think my computer case may be blocking signals to my mainboard. That said i also had moments of single keystrokes not registering and sometimes multiple and even loss of signal for a solid 2 seconds. So i think bluetooth could be an issue.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      2 months ago

      Hey, hey - thanks for the response. I am being a terrible night owl and have to take my tired ass to bed (but my gal passed out a little while ago and I am sneaking in my “decompression” me time.). But! Thank you! I was suspecting it might be that. But idk, cause sometimes I get a touch of the dyslexia (but not too bad, but sometimes…my da has it for sure but I’ve always read a lot and I think that’s helped). But anyways, maybe I’ll grab another keyboard. I am just blown because it was a logitech and like…I always felt like I could depend on those but it blew the fk up in less than a year. I don’t have the reciept or anything, so I can’t much on this front. My gal is a tinkerer so maybe I’ll toss it to her and she can poke around. But it’s weird cause like…it was okay and then I came back and like - didn’t do anything to it. It lives on my little baby desk. And it just didn’t work anymore. Shrugs.

      But I also just switched to Fedora and wasn’t sure if I was having any issues with any of the hardware, but I updated everything so I think it’s just the connection or something. Thanks again =)

      • Walking Coffin@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 months ago

        You could always try on another machine if you can to see if the latency is due to the laptop or the keyboard itself.

        Also, changing keyboard, especially if you’ve been using a certain keyboard type and you change to another, can really mess uo the eay you type until you get used to it.

        Lastly, bluetooth is a whole mess so it very well could be that. If you value what you bought and like you said, someone close to you is a tinkerer, converting a bluetooth device to a wired can be a nice project if they haven’t done so before (and it prevents throwing out a working device with a small defect).

        • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
          2 months ago

          Hey, homie g! Hope your sun-monday is chill af. I usually use it on my phone to write little snippets. It works pretty well there, but idk. But I think maybe your second point might be the stickler. In that I am more used to typing with a certain keyboard and maybe I am just typoing all over the place.

          I wanna keep my bluetooth guy, but I am gunna have my gal take a look at my other keyboard. I was just shocked it died so fast because I’ve been rocking Logitech a majority of my living breathing life and have taken the same mouse around for a hundred years. The keyboard was new, but I figured it wouldn’t poop out and I could keep hopping around with that too. Eh!

      • safesyrup@lemmy.hogru.ch
        2 months ago

        You‘re welcome, don‘t worry :) Before tossing it away i would try a different bluetooth (if you can borrow one from a friend) keyboard and even try your keyboard on a different machine

        • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
          2 months ago

          Oh, I def wouldn’t toss the bluetooth. But the keyboard I am not sure what to do with it. Makes me really flustered. But I am going to toss it at my gal either way and see what all she wants to/can do with it. Just kinda blows me because I’ve had Logitech stuff last for a hundred years. Idk if this is some weird pandemic kink or if logitech just kinda blows now?

          *I use the bluetooth to write on my phone but I also am outside and like UP on my phone. Idk if it’s a combination of distance, home chatter, hardware grumpies or what. But I am def typoing more than I think I typically do. But it could also be my setup, in which I sit pretty far back from my screen because I am using it from the floor. Dunno, but I don’t remember having this issue before.

  • chaos_a@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Try pressing J and K at the exact same time and see if they always appear in the same order. They should not appear in the same order everytime if key debouncing is implemented correctly.

    Some keyboards mess up key debouncing, especially Bluetooth ones.

  • Strayce@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 months ago

    I have had this happen. Mostly with weird, old, or cheap (or some combination thereof) hardware. Like sometimes the connection will hitch for a moment then three or four letters will come out backwards. Couldn’t say for sure what the cause is but I suspect either the controller in the board itself is jank, or there’s some kind of protocol / buffer mismatch. I have no solution, but it’s not just you.

    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      2 months ago

      Thank you, I was going crazy. I was like…what in the hey is going on? Cause I mean you know - folks make mistakes but I was really laying em on @_@!!