Former head of the UN climate science body told the BBC’s Today programme he was very pessimistic.

    1 year ago

    Back then I was certain we would prevent at least the worst of the results

    Well, to be the bearer of good news, this is probably going to happen. The Paris Agreement aims to limit warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, and while there’s still quite a lot of work to do and it’s not going to be easy, this is a reachable target. There will still be significant consequences, plenty of people will suffer, and it’s not remotely just or fair, but it also is not a cataclysmic and apocalyptic scenario.

    It’s really important to maintain some perspective with these things. A lot of very hard work has been done to get us to this point, and we shouldn’t completely lose sight of that, even if we deserve quite a lot more and shouldn’t even be in this situation in the first place.