Fallout: London is a must-play. The marriage of Fallout 4’s more modern gameplay and New Vegas’ exemplary role-playing mechanics is a match made in heaven, one that occasionally surpasses Bethesda’s 2015 game.

  • KoboldCoterie@pawb.social
    2 months ago

    I want a FO or TES game that’s just a modder playground.

    • Build the world, don’t populate it with anything.
    • Divide the world into a grid, let modders submit mods to a central database and register them with the grid squares they alter.
    • Let the game download an assortment of mods (maybe using user-defined tags to preference certain content) that fills out the world, using their grid square registration system to ensure no overlapping / conflicting content.)
    • Let players rate content they play.
    • Reward the modders who made popular content in some way.

    Obviously there’s a lot of glaring problems with this, but in my head, it’d be awesome.