Former President Donald Trump is losing older voters to Vice President Kamala Harris, a new poll shows.

A survey released by Emerson College on Thursday revealed that the majority of voters over 70 are supporting Harris, 51 percent, over Trump at 48 percent.

Those results show a major breakthrough for Harris, who has been able to surpass Trump’s lead with older voters. Just last month, with President Joe Biden still in the race, 50 percent of voters over 70 supported Trump, while 48 percent of the age group backed Biden.

The over 70 category includes both baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, as well as the silent generation, anyone born between 1925 and 1945.

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      2 months ago

      Not to take away from your entirely valid point, but most people don’t know that most small airplanes still use leaded gasoline and that the EPA found that “Lead emissions from aircraft are an important and urgent public health issue.”

      The lead levels near general aviation airports are a big problem, and airport proximity tends to have a negative effect on property values, which combine to be an equity issue - children born into poorer households are more likely to live right near airports than those in wealthier households, and thus they’re likely to have higher blood lead levels.

      Worse still, while some of these aircraft are important (pilot training, connecting island communities where boats aren’t feasible for large chunks of the year), many of these aircraft are primarily used for hobby flying, meaning that wealthy people who fly as a hobby are poisoning poorer communities with lead (often unknowingly, as they don’t necessarily know that this is a problem).

      The FAA approved an unleaded 100 octane avgas in 2022. Something most people reading this can do is find out who owns their local municipal airport and demand that they convert to only unleaded avgas.