Feel free to be economic with the truth by using aliases for organizations and products wherever it protects your privacy or your contracts. I’m mainly interested to hear about your unique experience.

Example follow-up questions: What was most rewarding, what was not? What was not a great use of your time but maybe still a learning experience? What were you interested when you were younger (for hobbies or otherwise) that may have helped guide you?

  • TehBamski@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ever thought about making short 2-4 minute Youtube videos answering questions about the day to day life of a EEG technician, how to get your foot in the door for EEG, where to start, is it a good fit for you (etc.)? You’d be banking on your authority that you’ve gained over the years of doing work as a EEG. Either people are curious for fun or for a more purposeful reason to watch said content. Either way, it’s worth look into imo.