Yesterday a random article popped up in my feed about authorities supposedly shutting down a grave after a car attack. Didn’t think too much of it, but today I got another one talking about how it’s a Chinese tendency to cope with denial referring to ‘deadly attacks’ (wow racist much?)

given that my youtube page isn’t flooded with this junk it’s safe to assume everyone will forget about this in a week, if they even heard of it, but what’s this whole thing about?

    3 months ago

    A quick look on Xinhua and Global Times turns up nothing about an attack like you describe. There was a knife attack at a vocational school and a car ramming attack at a sports center in the last few days. Criminal investigations are proceeding as one would expect in, well, any country.

    And a word about Chinese response to deadly attacks: when Uyghur separatists were doing that the response was a huge education, integration, and investment program in Uyghur communities. No such attacks have happened in years as a result of meeting people where they’re at and making their lives materially better.