Yesterday a random article popped up in my feed about authorities supposedly shutting down a grave after a car attack. Didn’t think too much of it, but today I got another one talking about how it’s a Chinese tendency to cope with denial referring to ‘deadly attacks’ (wow racist much?)

given that my youtube page isn’t flooded with this junk it’s safe to assume everyone will forget about this in a week, if they even heard of it, but what’s this whole thing about?

  • hello_hello [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Secular apocalypse: this type is also known as the ‘China doomer’ approach, in which someone seeks to predict yet again the apocalyptic crash of China’s economic and political system. One of the earlier works that set the tone was Gordon Chang’s The Coming Collapse of China (2001), although one can trace such fantasies back to the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949. If one is fond of recycling this narrative, then it is quite easy to get such a work published in one or another less than reputable press. Every year a new title or more appears proposing a ‘collapse’ or ‘crisis’, focusing on whatever aspect takes the author’s fancy, but each time recycling the old Judaeo-Christian myth of the apocalyptic end of the world. As this tradition makes clear, the weary repetition of such predictions does not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of those who propagate them.

    Roland Boer Socialism with Chinese Characteristics