Just wondering if anyone has any experience with them, got one, etc.

I had been eyeing the Revopoint brand but keep hesitating on buying. I don’t know anyone that has one and really would like to get more feedback. The Amazon reviews seem decent enough.

I am looking for something that can scan objects about hand size or larger and that I can walk around the object scanning. I don’t want to be limited to sticking the object on a scanning mat or turntable. I’m not going to be scanning minis (eg Warhammer). I do use the iOS and OSX platforms.

  • ZytaZiouZ@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Sorry, it’s revopoint not revoscan. It’s easy to say the wrong one when all you see if the software day to day… I fixed my comment above. I’ll try to get some screenshots up later today, but I’ve scanned lots of things with the turntable and I scanned my 21 month old when he was asleep on his beanbag.

    eBay link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/125882395922