• philluminati@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This article is a lie. A compete fabrication and utter bullshit. It’s also deliberate as well, because it’s based on the original source. They chose to misinterpret the facts and it demonstrates a lack of journalistic integrity.

    In the original article, emails to .ml go to a Dutch person, who runs the mali domain. He was warning the US that the contract will revert to someone else in the future, but the Americans were not concerned about the Russian government having certain secrets at this point in time.

    Typo leaks millions of US military emails to Mali web operator https://on.ft.com/43BsmEM

    > Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali through a “typo leak” that has exposed highly sensitive information, including diplomatic documents, tax returns, passwords and the travel details of top officers.

    > Despite repeated warnings over a decade, a steady flow of email traffic continues to the .ML domain, the country identifier for Mali, as a result of people mistyping .MIL, the suffix to all US military email addresses.

    > The problem was first identified almost a decade ago by Johannes Zuurbier, a Dutch internet entrepreneur who has a contract to manage Mali’s country domain

    > Control of the .ML domain will revert on Monday from Zuurbier to Mali’s government, which is closely allied with Russia. When Zuurbier’s 10-year management contract expires, Malian authorities will be able to gather the misdirected emails. The Malian government did not respond to requests for comment.