That’s fair! It’s entirely possible they got rolled by The Atlantic and didn’t know what the editors were going to do to the piece. But like, at the same time maybe question why a national publication would need someone who isn’t able to practice on their own to do an opinion piece about something highly politicized…
another comment pointed out elsewhere that the titles are rarely made by the writer, so im inclined to believe that the atlantic recieved this piece and wanted to slant it for those who just read the headline, yeah.
Hmm, who is this Rose fellow?
The only person The Atlantic could find to peddle this shit isn’t even allowed to practice medicine without supervision? lmao
deleted by creator
credit to michael rose, they want all diabetes medications to be cheaper or free.
That’s fair! It’s entirely possible they got rolled by The Atlantic and didn’t know what the editors were going to do to the piece. But like, at the same time maybe question why a national publication would need someone who isn’t able to practice on their own to do an opinion piece about something highly politicized…
another comment pointed out elsewhere that the titles are rarely made by the writer, so im inclined to believe that the atlantic recieved this piece and wanted to slant it for those who just read the headline, yeah.