Maybe you didn’t see the presidential primary on your ballot? If not you should have gotten another ballot, because millions of other Californians voted in the presidential primary.
And Sanders wasn’t running in 2024. He is not required to run in order to hold a primary.
There wasn’t a presidential primary in 2024, I thought we were talking about 2020, when there was one that the DNC called early because of the pandemic. As far as I can tell there wasn’t a primary in CA in 2020 because despite being on the register, and signed up for mail in voting, I never got a ballot. Didn’t follow up due to pandemic.
If those are 2024 vote totals, then they were made up, because we didn’t have a presidential primary. I got that ballot.
Ah, we’re onto the moving of the goalposts! At least we’re admitting/agreeing that the primary did, in fact, take place.
It’s right there in the Wikipedia link:
Senator Bernie Sanders won the highly desired primary, which bore the most delegates of the entire primary cycle by far, improving on his polling average by 3% and winning 36% of the vote and 225 delegates.[1] Former vice president Joe Biden, however, aided by among others the endorsements of Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, also had a much stronger second-place finish than expected and took 28% of the vote and 172 delegates
Further down in the same link
The 415 pledged delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention were allocated proportionally on the basis of the results of the primary.
And then if we go and look over here at how the delegates voted for the convention, we can see that Bernie received all those pledged delegates’ votes and a few more. Some mixture of superdelegates and delegates who were pledged to some other candidate who dropped out, but Biden picked up more of those. Now, before you treat that as an “Aha! See! They cheated Bernie!” I’ll remind you that Bernie dropped out in April and the delegates voted 4 months later in August. So even though he dropped out he still received more delegate votes than his popular vote in the primary warranted him. And you might be interested to know pretty much no candidate ever has won the general election after a contested convention, so the smart play for the general was for the I pledged and superdelegates to present a united front in support of the nominee.
pretty much no candidate ever has won the general election after a contested convention, so the smart play for the general was for the I pledged and superdelegates to present a united front in support of the nominee.
and give a big “fuck you” to anyone who wanted meaningful change.
How would conceding the 2020 election to Trump have brought about more meaningful [progressive] change than what we had with Biden? The progressive candidates and voters need to stick with it. The Tea Party took enough of the Republican party through their primaries to turn into MAGA. We can do the same, we just have to stick with it.
Honestly, I hadn’t even heard of primaries until the 2016 election, let alone that you needed to register as a party member to participate (came as a surprise to me since I went in person and had to fill out a new voter registration thing). My civics classes were absolute garbage in school. I didn’t learn shit.
As you just said in another comment, you opted out of electing a political party preference, which is the same thing as opting out of voting in the primaries.
This is a decision you made, don’t misrepresent it. I don’t complain when I can’t see in a dark room because I didn’t want to turn the light on.
I was signed up for mail in voting, and never got a primary ballot in 2020. Got one in 2024 but of course there wasn’t a presidential primary option.
Also how many votes did Bernie get, cause we had tons of Bernie voters here in 2016 and 2020
Maybe you didn’t see the presidential primary on your ballot? If not you should have gotten another ballot, because millions of other Californians voted in the presidential primary.
And Sanders wasn’t running in 2024. He is not required to run in order to hold a primary.
There wasn’t a presidential primary in 2024, I thought we were talking about 2020, when there was one that the DNC called early because of the pandemic. As far as I can tell there wasn’t a primary in CA in 2020 because despite being on the register, and signed up for mail in voting, I never got a ballot. Didn’t follow up due to pandemic.
If those are 2024 vote totals, then they were made up, because we didn’t have a presidential primary. I got that ballot.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I already linked the results of the 2024 California primary.
And of course there was also a California primary in 2020. Not only that, Sanders won.
What county are you in? Because I’m in central Cali, and I’m pretty sure I voted for Dean Phillips in the primary.
If the California 2020 primary was cancelled then why are there results reported? (Spoiler, Bernie won it)
who did the california delegates go to?
Ah, we’re onto the moving of the goalposts! At least we’re admitting/agreeing that the primary did, in fact, take place.
It’s right there in the Wikipedia link:
Further down in the same link
And then if we go and look over here at how the delegates voted for the convention, we can see that Bernie received all those pledged delegates’ votes and a few more. Some mixture of superdelegates and delegates who were pledged to some other candidate who dropped out, but Biden picked up more of those. Now, before you treat that as an “Aha! See! They cheated Bernie!” I’ll remind you that Bernie dropped out in April and the delegates voted 4 months later in August. So even though he dropped out he still received more delegate votes than his popular vote in the primary warranted him. And you might be interested to know pretty much no candidate ever has won the general election after a contested convention, so the smart play for the general was for the I pledged and superdelegates to present a united front in support of the nominee.
and give a big “fuck you” to anyone who wanted meaningful change.
How would conceding the 2020 election to Trump have brought about more meaningful [progressive] change than what we had with Biden? The progressive candidates and voters need to stick with it. The Tea Party took enough of the Republican party through their primaries to turn into MAGA. We can do the same, we just have to stick with it.
I didn’t say concede
Indeed, you did not.
Are you a registered Democrat?
I’mma be honest: I was going to ask that same question but figured nobody could be THAT stupid.
Kudos for justifiably having even less faith in humanity than I do.
Honestly, I hadn’t even heard of primaries until the 2016 election, let alone that you needed to register as a party member to participate (came as a surprise to me since I went in person and had to fill out a new voter registration thing). My civics classes were absolute garbage in school. I didn’t learn shit.
No. My religion prevents me from joining a political party.
So you chose not to participate in the primary.
But there was a primary. Correct?
Not that I can tell. Especially since none of those names are Sanders, and despite being signed up, I wasn’t allowed to vote.
As you just said in another comment, you opted out of electing a political party preference, which is the same thing as opting out of voting in the primaries.
This is a decision you made, don’t misrepresent it. I don’t complain when I can’t see in a dark room because I didn’t want to turn the light on.