I went to a local Latino restaurant yesterday to get some takeout and saw a bunch of handwritten signs saying they were going to be closed on Monday to support the community.
The waitress said there was a movement to skip work and not spend money this Monday Feb 3 to protest the attacks on Latinos. I hadn’t heard of that and didn’t find much mention online. I think it’s the idea by some random person in DC? I found the image above on facebook or somewhere equally horrible. Anyway I’m just posting bc this is the only protest I’ve seen in my area, the Democrats have been completely silent so all that’s left is some rando on the other side of the country.
Do it. It’s the beginnings of people understanding that a General Strike WILL WORK.
During COVID, it took two weeks of the economy being “shut down” before multibillion dollar corporations were asking for bailouts.
A general strike is going to hurt, but not as much as fascism.
It’s gonna be a tough road, on reddit people are removed about the idea of organizing a protest on a Wednesday because “they have to work.”
Look, this system is going to try to fucking kill us so maybe showing up to work like nothing is wrong is missing the point entirely.
Dying of starvation takes almost a month, dying of thirst takes a few days to a week.
It’s not impossible to weather this storm.
If you want to be involved, 50501 in your nearest city.
What does this mean? Feel free to DM if you’d rather
50 protests, 50 states, 1 day
A day will not accomplish anything I fear. Our attention spans for news is like 2 days before we get bored and move on. Expand it to a week for anything meaningful.
but that many days off would be risky for the working immigrants. One day can be afforded much more easily. More needs strike pay. Also, give more notice. This is in less than 12 hours
Agreed, tho that’s the least of the problems; the event is not very well advertised and poorly planned in general. But it’s SOMETHING. The Democrats are doing nothing so far. Indivisible is just suggesting we contact Senators. The Transgender Unity Coalition had some rallies last week, I could have driven a couple hours to one, but I didn’t see it in time: https://transunitycoalition.org/
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For future reference, here are news stories about this particular protest:
- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/02/03/day-without-immigrants-businesses-close/78176470007/
- https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2025-02-03/businesses-close-children-skip-school-for-a-day-without-immigrants-protest
- https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/a-day-without-immigrants-movement-planned-for-monday/
- https://abc7chicago.com/post/day-immigrants-chicago-business-owners-city-close-monday-protest-president-trumps-immigration-policies/15859639/
- https://apnews.com/article/immigration-policy-trump-protest-business-82ffcd5392bda94bc54419b3d5731ae8
- https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/day-without-immigrants-philadelphia-protest-rally-donald-trump-immigration-ice/4098287/