Originality.AI looked at 8,885 long Facebook posts made over the past six years.
Key Findings
- 41.18% of current Facebook long-form posts are Likely AI, as of November 2024.
- Between 2023 and November 2024, the average percentage of monthly AI posts on Facebook was 24.05%.
- This reflects a 4.3x increase in monthly AI Facebook content since the launch of ChatGPT. In comparison, the monthly average was 5.34% from 2018 to 2022.
When I was looking for a job, I ran into a guide to make money using AI:
Choose a top selling book.
Ask Chat GPT to give a summary for each chapter.
Paste the summaries into Google docs.
Export as PDF.
Sell on Amazon as a digital “short version” or “study guide” for the original book.
Repeat with other books.
Blew my mind how much hot stinking garbage is out there.