Read a book for meaning. Spend hours and days, sometimes weeks and months deepening your understanding. Opening your mind to the unfamiliar.
The above strip can be written in one short paragraph and is an insult to drawing as the imagery doesn’t add anything to it.
This is like saying “i wish television went back to having laugh tracks and everything that happened is reversed next episode”. It’s just a medium, those absolutely still exist…
i wish comics went back to being comics instead of trying to be bite sized critics :/
Boomer humor comics still exist, don’t worry
what is boomer humour?
Meaningless shit to fill the void while furthering such apolitical takes as “wife and therefore women bad” or “Garfield is not a psyop, laugh”
Read a book for meaning. Spend hours and days, sometimes weeks and months deepening your understanding. Opening your mind to the unfamiliar. The above strip can be written in one short paragraph and is an insult to drawing as the imagery doesn’t add anything to it.
This is like saying “i wish television went back to having laugh tracks and everything that happened is reversed next episode”. It’s just a medium, those absolutely still exist…
So do you prefer the Lockhorns, or the Family Circus?