Law is capitalist law, they’re not illegal migrants, they’re undocumented.
Your tax contribution isn’t the same as your labor contribution. If you are a middle level manager at a ‘bullshit’ job, you are likely paying more in taxes than an undocumented migrant, but you don’t contribute much to the society through your labor, in many cases the contribution is negative (if you are in finance or military)
There is no reason to believe if undocumented migrants were deported, the capitalists will decide to hire workers at the legal minimum wage, it is likely that such jobs will be replaced by downsizing , prison labor or machines, not by hiring documented workers at the minimum wage because that may not be profitable in money terms.
U.S. has a trillion Dollar military budget; remittances create demand for Dollars abroad. Also, why is it that labor is so cheap in their home countries that it makes working in the U.S. even at less than minimum wage so attractive. Migrants aren’t coming because they love America, it’s because they get paid more.
All the third world countries have vast underutilized labor. The unemployed in these countries face no competition from foreign undocumented workers. Unemployment isn’t a first world problem, it is much worse in third world, it is THE problem.
Law is capitalist law, they’re not illegal migrants, they’re undocumented.
Your tax contribution isn’t the same as your labor contribution. If you are a middle level manager at a ‘bullshit’ job, you are likely paying more in taxes than an undocumented migrant, but you don’t contribute much to the society through your labor, in many cases the contribution is negative (if you are in finance or military)
There is no reason to believe if undocumented migrants were deported, the capitalists will decide to hire workers at the legal minimum wage, it is likely that such jobs will be replaced by downsizing , prison labor or machines, not by hiring documented workers at the minimum wage because that may not be profitable in money terms.
U.S. has a trillion Dollar military budget; remittances create demand for Dollars abroad. Also, why is it that labor is so cheap in their home countries that it makes working in the U.S. even at less than minimum wage so attractive. Migrants aren’t coming because they love America, it’s because they get paid more.
All the third world countries have vast underutilized labor. The unemployed in these countries face no competition from foreign undocumented workers. Unemployment isn’t a first world problem, it is much worse in third world, it is THE problem.