America is hell

    1 year ago

    Seems like a decent place to complain about my long experience. I had an undiagnosed problem with eating, which felt like an allergy that made me really tired. I couldn’t figure it out for years and I got more and more rundown. I’d ask doctors when I saw them for other stuff and they’d give me really useless answers or blow me off with something like “ONE problem per visit”. I was self-employed, no insurance, and a visit to UC was $400, which was over half the mortgage on my house at that time.

    So anyway, finally I got too sick to work. It had already harmed my career, several relationships, my finances. It turned out I had Celiac disease and it was doing a lot more than just making me tired… causing skin problems, hair loss, nutrient deficiencies, headaches, chest pain, digestive instability, heartburn and more. Finally I got it under control after being diagnosed and then… got really sick, which turned out to be type 1 diabetes, which is the autoimmune form. Pretty sure I only got that from having celiac undiagnosed for half my life. Almost died again.

    Thankfully I have health care paid for now, but in the meantime the lovely American system almost killed me 2-3 times and completely ruined my career and productivity, all so some insurance people can make money and other people can pay less taxes. All in all the health care system is a huge drain on society. Back when Obama tried to reform it, hearing people say “it’s the best in the world!!” was such a joke.