
I took my spotify playlist and downloaded it all in mp3, because it doesn’t change very much and I would like to do away with even a free, arr, spotify.

When I was younger I got my music from the radio, so I am checking that vector, any recommendations?

I found https://radio.garden/ which is a good start I think.

As a side note, publicity in foreign languages goes so much better on my ear, even American English, “buy this medicine”, “contact this lawyer” lol! but it is of course even better with no publicity at all.

Thank you!

  • BillTongg@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    I really love WFMU in New Jersey. Of course they broadcast on FM, but they have four live streams (I especially like the ‘Give the Drummer Radio’ stream https://wfmu.org/drummer). Take a look at the schedules - you’ll find lots of music that you won’t hear on mainstream radio, across a wide range of different genres, and all of it is archived so you can listen to past shows and see the playlists for each one. It’s listener supported, so there are no adverts except for their own WFMU fund raising. My favourite shows: