As I see it, Bryan Talbot is one of the three biggest, living British talents in comics, along with Pat Mills and Alan Moore… oof, with Neil Gaiman pretty-much nuking his reputation, recently. :S
Talbot’s The Tale of One Bad Rat moved me a lot, winning multiple awards as it were, and I’d say his five, hard-hitting Grandville books are just about the pinnacle of conventional anthropomorphic adventure-dramas in BD’s, alongside the sensational Cité 14 / “District 14” series.
Now, I’ve had this panel queued up -forever- to post, but have been equally torn since forever whether I wanted to actually post it. For example, as someone fascinated by sea life, such as mollusks & crustaceans, the fact that we keep lobsters in tanks like this, with their pincers tied, only to meet a boiling end when they get ‘lucky,’ doesn’t sit very well with me.
Bah. OTOH, in art there is truth, and one thing Talbot does a lot of in Grandville is demonstrate the vagaries of human cruelty.
In any case, it’s a great BD art piece IMO.
Bryan Talbot is great.
I have one Luther Arkright collection. It’s the middle of great, psychedelic anti-fascist tale. Just wish I could get my hands on more of it all.
Oh yeah, that one!
So it’s been a while, but I once found some Luther at my local library, and then they had some more via digital lending that I read on tablet. In one of the sidebar links I’ve put a little more info on all that, if it helps…
That’s very kind of you.
I’m sure it’ll help someone, alas I’m a bit of an old fool when it comes to books and like to have the physical codex in my hands. Reading stuff off of screens, especially graphic novels never seems to jive with me, even when it’s one I know I like.
Yeap, understood.
Indeed, I kinda like how they sometimes touch on that in Star Trek, even as it’s set two centuries ahead or so. There is just nothing like a satisfying book in one’s hands…