A few alternatives to Duolingo (which hasn’t been that good for a while now)
So here are some tips
- Drops app - Originally from Estonia, now a Kahoot! company which is from Norway. In few minutes a day for unpaid version it builds your vocabulary and you can also search by the topic. They offer wide range of languages. They also support Ukraine.
Link: https://languagedrops.com/
- Babbel - Most widely known subscription-based app where you learn with language professionals. Origin in Germany.
Link: https://www.babbel.com/
- Preply - Tutoring platform focused on languages originating in Ukraine. It is like a marketplace where tutors offer their language services and you can book tutor for language you want to learn.
Link: https://preply.com/
- Lingoda - German online language school
Link: https://www.lingoda.com/
https://www.memrise.com/ is British
Feel free to share more if you have them and/or your experience with the ones above
Babbel is great. Made the switch quite some time ago already when Duolingo decided to cater to Vladolf Putler’s homophobic censorship and removed all LGBTQ+ references from their language courses for Russian users instead of just pulling out of the market where they don’t even make any money.
EDIT: Should mention that there’s no free ad-financed version of Babbel and the regular price can be a bit much. They do a lot of advertising in podcasts though with codes for up to 50% discount, should be easy to find one before subscribing.